Playing the guitar is a fantastic skill and one that many people of all ages aim to master. Whether you\’re looking to build on basic skills or start completely from scratch you may have already considered the importance of a skilled teacher. It\’s not always easy to come across a local guitar teacher that you click with, but don\’t worry! You can now take guitar lessons over Skype, from the comfort of your own home. If you are going to undertake Skype lessons there are a few things you need to do to prepare and make the most out of each lesson. Take a look…
1. Gather everything you need
Of course you\’re going to need your laptop or computer, but you\’ll need a few other things as well. Make sure you have speakers and that they offer clear sound quality. You could also use headphones if they\’re not restricting and still allow you to hold and play your guitar. You\’ll also need a web cam and a microphone, though some laptops have these built in already. You should check that your speakers, web cam and microphone are working well in advance of your lesson.
2. Set up before the lesson starts
To make the most out of your lessons make sure you set up early to avoid missing out on valuable lesson time. Check you have a strong internet connection and log into Skype beforehand, so that you can start on time. Planning ahead to be ready in advance is essential to getting the most out of your time and will make all lessons run smoothly from start to finish.
3. Ensure you won\’t be disturbed
Choosing a comfortable setting for your Skype lessons is important, but it\’s equally important to ensure you won\’t be disturbed during the lesson. If you don\’t live alone, make sure you\’ve told your family or housemates that you\’ll be busy and then shut yourself away somewhere quiet with minimal background noise.

Do Not Disturb!
Skype lessons offer a perfect solution to those wanting to learn guitar. They\’re easy to book online, laid back and effective. With over 20 years experience I can guarantee a professional service to help you master many skills. Contact me today for more information.
Consider Some Alternatives
The word Skype has become synonymous with video calling, but the truth is their are loads of free alternatives that are are extremely easy to use. I\’ll cover some of these in a future post 🙂
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